SOLDAT requests completion of this survey

Dear Peaks & Prairies GCSA Members:

It is no secret that the general public has a negative perception of golf course resource use, and we would like to help change that. At the University of Wisconsin-Madison, our lab is currently conducting a research project to highlight the positive environmental and economic outcomes that come from golf course resource use. To achieve these aims we are asking golf course superintendents across the world to participate in a resource use study. Your participation in this survey is absolutely vital to the success of this project and achieving positive outcomes for the golf industry.

Please participate in this research today by following the link below!

Survey Link: UW-Madison Resource Efficiency Survey

The survey is composed of three main sections: 1) general facility information, 2) best management practices you employ to use resources (water, energy, fertilizer, and pesticide) efficiently, and 3) resource use at your golf course. To complete the resource use portion (third section) of the survey you will need to consult your records. We anticipate that the survey will take approximately 1-2 hours to complete, but you can complete the survey in parts.

I am especially excited about this study and its potential outcomes for golf course superintendents and our industry.

Thank you so much for your time and willingness to participate.

Doug Soldat

Website Sponsors

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